Self Sustaining Building
Self Sustaining Building

> SSB Programme > What is SSB Programme?

The Self Sustaining Building Programme

In addition to the range of services for design and build, the SSB team have created a programme of projects to enable wider improvements and the adoption of Self-sustaining building practices for better global standards of living and health. The overriding aim is to avoid leaving the future with an unmanageable environmental, health and affordability burden. Click to see our rationale.


The SSB Programme aims to identify, demonstrate and promote the best self-sustaining building practices world-wide.

To support this aim we are creating intiatives in the following five action areas:


SSB Environment Centres


Demonstration & Knowledge centres (concept complete)


UK SSB Developments (Outline in scope)


UK Building demonstrator


International development (Outline in scope)


Urban SSB Villages
SSB Challenges – UK & Global competitions       (Outline in scope)


Promotion of solutions
Knowledge management & transfer


Tools to support Self            Eco Rating Tool (complete)

Sustaining Build & Design


The SSB Programme offers its services to any organisation or project whether big or small that aspires to adopt the Self Sustaining principles.


You are welcome to make contact for our services or to collaborate and/or support the SSB Programme.  

We are located in:  Hampshire, United Kingdom

Contact us today!

For any queries or if you wish to make an appointment, call:

Tel: +44 (0) 7896 644504

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